4.9. Operational Efficiency -
Outsource Tasks To Improve
Efficiency And Flexibility |
4. Operational Efficiency |
Outsourcing doesn’t have to mean taking away jobs from the North American market. It’s
not the big bad word of yesteryears. Many companies already outsource their computer
support or booking at no affect to the North American market. |
As the owner of a company, you owe it to your staff and clients to build a sustainable and
efficient business. Outsourcing gives you that ability to scale up or down as required, either
on a yearly basis or even monthly and typically you pay for only the time that you need. |
Start with the mundane and tedious commodity work. This will allow your
staff to spend more time on valueadded services that require more client
interaction. |
Basically any task that does not require direct client interaction can be evaluated to be
outsourced. Make a list of all of these task and take a good, hard look at them. Is this
something that can be performed more efficiently by an outsider? |
The more time freed up from mundane and tedious work the more time that can be spent
building new relationships and offering new services to better serve your clients. |
The key to getting the most out of outsourcing is fully embracing it and
allowing your outsourced staff into your company’s culture. Make them feel
like a part of the team and not an outsider. |